Well, actually this year I did not get very wild partys or events, has been a year of work and study so I do not remember a party that happened recently ... this year therefore have been quiet nights. But I remember that in the summer in the month of January I was one night to drink with my boyfriend to a pub located in the borough of Maipú. I think I drank "piña colada" is the drink that I like! And he also drank that drink same... it seemed a romantic evening, in the place had karaoke and he sang beautiful songs for my, I was excited! We also ate something exquisite.
And so we spent a good while, until the drink took effect and was not enough so we went to a one of places called "after" located in the same sector of Maipu.
The atmosphere was so different! It was dark and crowded metalhead style, with black shirt and long hair. At first we could not go because the place is illegal but then we allowed to enter .
We laughed at the situation because we really felt we were in a crazy place! The people were very drunk and the beer was abundant. I also drank one beer ... and then another. I think at the retreat, I was drunk. The consequences were the other day ... I felt a huge headache and was very thirsty! Well just wanted to sleep and I have not go there returned to that place but I would go and spend another wild party .
hahahahaha, good story!!!