Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bicentennial year.

To begin, I will talk about my view on this year that the country has reached 200 years. I think we should be proud because they are 200 years of our nation, which has cost a lot of sacrifice and now we enjoy it!! I think in the media has mishandled this issue since before September this event was announced in many places and in many ways and everyone was talking about the bicentenary, but now has ceased to be an important subject no one talks about the bicentennial. The first paragraph expresses my opinion on the handling that makes the media on many issues that occur in our country, which can be influenced by the political maneuvering. Earlier this year the media spoke with the arrival of 2010 began a party that would join Chile and would be an opportunity to recognize the country where we lived and which was built between all of us as citizens. This would be an opportunity to dream with Chile would wish for the coming years.
Different activities were conducted such as the opening of a Museum of Memory and Human Rights in March, after the National Stadium was remodeled (among other works that were performed during the celebration of our 200 years of Independence). There were more than 200 works Bicentennial throughout the country to promote unity, importance was given to green areas and there were spaces for culture, sport and meeting citizen.
The media also announced that these activities allow us to connect and integrate with the world, but also help us reclaim our history and identity to reclaim our heritage as a country . Anyway, it was a nation wide invitation to participate in these activities.

In my opinion, instead of uniting and integrating the entire nation, the bicentennial year was used to distract people and leave out many important issues such as problems facing the Mapuche people. We must not ignore the fact that the country has grown and improved in many ways during these 200 years, but I think in the history of Chile has been a tendency to deny all social injustices and has also been a lack of interest movements that make many social groups. That is, on one hand the media show the pretty face of a nation that is growing, but otherwise handle information and will also hide the facts that are happening in a country that is still in development.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Well, I think that a free year is very necessary for me because I need and I’m very tired. But I already had a year off when I left school, but it really was not to rest because I worked and studied for university entrance. I worked in the mornings and studying in the afternoon. So now I would take a year sabbatical and really take the time to travel a lot and have fun. I think I deserve it because I could go back to university with much more encouragement and because I never had the chance to do things I really like because I have to go to university and the summer is very short. Among the things I like to do on a sabbatical, would travel to southern Chile to be surrounded by the beautiful vegetation that exists in these places. The best thing would be to have money to travel a lot and know many places in the south, for example see the city of Puerto Monnt and Chiloè. It would be wonderful to earn a cash award to pay for a trip or perhaps borrow from the bank and then pay it.
I like extreme sports adventure would be fun to climb mountains and be in the south of Chile there are many places where you can practice these sports. Finally on sabbatical I would like to know exotic foods and eat lots of things, well I would also like to drink without worrying about avoiding excesses

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Environment !!!

Well, the truth is that environmental care is an issue that worries me because my whole life I lived in Santiago and I believe that life here is not healthy. We do not take care of our environment and that makes us all sick. I think each person can bring in something so that together we help the environment. But that must start at home I think parents should teach their children to care for the environment, families should plant more trees in their houses as well in school should teach children to use the trash cans and of course the use less transport because it pollutes a lot. For example, if children walk to school would save money and also help protect the environment and it would be better for children to walk daily to their schools. In general I think that not only can help and take steps the government authorities, but every family, every school and community can contribute much in the environmental awareness.
I do not really even sit up in my use of recycling habits but I'm sure it is very important, I try to walk a lot especially during spring and summer to occupy less means of transport.
I think in the future I'd like to participate in an organization that protects the environment because I feel that I have not done much in the care of the environment. I think in Santiago we need to appreciate the great problem that affects us why we live in a city that each day is more contaminated.
If our city was cleaner would be beautiful because we have the Santa Lucía and San Cristobal Hill but you we can not admire because of the smog in the city. Well companions we have a pending task and is that is to cooperate for a better environment

Monday, October 18, 2010

Wild Party

Well, actually this year I did not get very wild partys or events, has been a year of work and study so I do not remember a party that happened recently ... this year therefore have been quiet nights. But I remember that in the summer in the month of January I was one night to drink with my boyfriend to a pub located in the borough of Maipú. I think I drank "piña colada" is the drink that I like! And he also drank that drink same... it seemed a romantic evening, in the place had karaoke and he sang beautiful songs for my, I was excited! We also ate something exquisite.
And so we spent a good while, until the drink took effect and was not enough so we went to a one of places called "after" located in the same sector of Maipu.
The atmosphere was so different! It was dark and crowded metalhead style, with black shirt and long hair. At first we could not go because the place is illegal but then we allowed to enter .
We laughed at the situation because we really felt we were in a crazy place! The people were very drunk and the beer was abundant. I also drank one beer ... and then another. I think at the retreat, I was drunk. The consequences were the other day ... I felt a huge headache and was very thirsty! Well just wanted to sleep and I have not go there returned to that place but I would go and spend another wild party .

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The language and forms of communication...

This piece of news is about language development and communication in humans.
The news talk about a 16-month baby named Tom, born in May that still does not talk but can perform other activities such as slither underneath the sofa. In psychology, this is related to the ideas of Piaget, in that childre have mental mechanisms to learn their nature and the environment in which they grow and then will develop until adulthood. Whether in terms of intelligence, logical operations, the concepts of number, space and time, etc.

Theories about the earliest forms of human communication were possibly the primitive gestures and language may have evolved from instinctual sounds or cries. For example, the Gestural theory suggests that early man developed the language by communicating with hand movements and body.

On the other hand, says that babies around the world start talking about saying the words typical "mom and dad" is how repetitive words with consonants would be the preferred way for babies to start talking, although every child speaking at different ages, for example the famous Einstein spoke at 3 years and Picasso first spoke to 18 months, so that mothers do not have to worry about when their babies speak because everyone will eventually. The premise that babies can communicate before they can speak was investigated by the scientist José García, in late 1980. Garcia suggested that even at six months, hearing babies of hearing parents can begin to learn basic signs.

It appeared on Sunday 10 October 2010 in the link

Sunday, October 10, 2010

La isla Bajo el Mar : :

The last book I read called "The island in the sea", is of the Chilean writer Isabel Allende.
This book was a gift from my boyfriend for my birthday..
Well, the story is about the life of an eighteenth-century slave named Zarité and the fight for freedom. The story takes place in several locations, but focuses on Santo Domingo. Zarité is a mulatto woman who at age 9 is sold as a slave to the French Toulouse Valmorain. There are other characters in the book, which are very interesting, as Violette, who is engaged in prostitution, Loula, the woman who protects her, Tante Rose, who is the healer, Celestine or Tante Mathilde, the cook of the plantation.
In the course of history, it takes forty years in the life of this woman, is counted as the exploitation of slaves that occurred on that island. Then she reached freedom for which he had fought hard and also lives a love story. The book ends up telling the story of a child conceived by Zarité and Valmorain.
I really liked this book because it tells a true story about the exploitation that might occur in many parts of the world, but specially with several characters who are magical. You tells the story of several women who are key and gives a different value because it demonstrates the importance of the strength of women to bring up the family. And especially with the history of Zarité, which is the example of a fighter.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bicentennial activities...

Well, during the days of the bicentennial activities I really enjoyed the thinks I did. I went with my family to my brother’s house located in the borough of Puente Alto and danced all day long. We ate and drank a lot. I also went to the discotheque with my friend Natalia and my sister Pamela, so I started this week very tired. I think that is why I would be resting this weekend, taking advantage of the days in bed and recovering.
Unfortunately, this weekend a friend celebrating her birthday at home, which is located within a great plot in the borough of Lonquen, so I'll have to make an effort to assist jajaj, as you can see you, these days have been very enjoyable for me . You could also attend and I highly recommend this place to everyone.
I've been there several times since my best friend lives there and is very fun because there is a great swimming pool. The house has a fireplace and at night we sat around the campfire to sing and drink.
Well, I will go because I’m invited to the home to celebrate the birthday and be inviting me, and I can not attend. You neither!! This place is very recommend because is beautiful.I recommend you wear a jacket because it is very cold there and also I recommend them to all care during the day friday and saturday people be careful when you go to have fun and when you drive a car.